Great News from the North: 14 metres x 2.4 metres in one piece! Bruce Hodgens 11th March 2007. Hi Maggie & Bob Just thought I would let you know how I was getting on with the Polycore panels you supplied for my 14 metre powercat. I received 130 sheets (in 19, 25 & 30 mms) […]
Found in the forum under materials
The following was found on the website in the forum under materials: Gidday Just an update on my polyprop cored deck replacement on my Seawind 24. I managed to beach the boat on Sunday and replace the rotting ply versions. It has worked much much better than I expected. The stiffness is way beyond […]
How’s this for a quick build!
How’s this for a quick build! A racecar transporter in 6 weeks by one man! PETER WING of WINGY’S Racecar transporters Canberra!
Ian Cambell’s self designed cat
Ian Cambell’s self designed cat Read the whole story in The Coastal Passage. Use this link Look for the launching in Issue 40. Page 22. Read about the build in previous issues of the magazine. This boat is built totally from Polycore. Nobby’s Engineering in Sth Australia sent these pictures of a prototype off […]
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