Polycore preglassed panels Polycore produce PP8PG panels with DNV approved epoxy fibreglass skins. These panels are available up to 11.9 mtrs long x 2.4mtrs wide standard sizes are 2400 x 1200 glass thickness of .5mm, 1mm, 1.5mm, 2mm, 2.5mm and 3mm’s are available. These panels reduce the build time for many projects in many industries, […]
Polypropelene Honeycomb
Specifications: Polycore Polypropylene Honeycomb core: Type: PP8-80 SI Units English Colours: N/A Cellcore Diameter: 8mm (5/16″) Density: (ISO 845) 80Kg cubic mt 4.8 lbs per cubic ft Compression Strength: (ISO 844) 2.2 Mpa 319 psi Compressive Modulus: (ISO 844) 92 Mpa 13,343 psi Shear Strength: (ISO 1922) 0.8 Mpa 109 psi Shear Modulus: (ISO 1922) […]
Polycore Laminated or Veneered Panels
Polycore Laminated and Veneered panel Available with or without Fire retardent treatment Polycore offers an infinate variety of laminated core product for all industries. Polycore laminated core panel, choose from beautiful timber laminates to exotic marbles, Lightweight Polystone, decorative Aluminiums, stainless steel, exciting new veneers, general laminates and fibreglassed laminate panels. Polycore laminated honeycomb core […]
Aluminum Honeycomb
High grade expanded Aluminium honeycomb in a variety of sizes to suit any application. All Aluminium honeycomb core can be supplied in unexpanded form. 50mm thick 8mm core cell to suit lazer or water cutting tables. Aluminium Checkerplate Honeycomb. (special order only)! High grade Aluminium honeycomb core panel. Honeycomb Materials were born for Aviatic applications in the […]
Warning!! Please be aware there are companies in the market place selling product and calling it Polycore this product may not be our ADVANCED HIGH QUALITY CORE! We have been made aware by people who have gone to suppliers, and have asked for Polycore™ by name, and have, it seems, been sold other manufacturers products, […]
Marty’s Polycrapper
Marty Still sent in these pictures of what he calls his Polycrapper, his version of a composting toilet. In the beginning god made man then! Are there no limits to the applications of Polycore?